MyGovID to replace AUSkey from late March 2020


If you have been looking after your own BAS lodgments, and use ATO Business portal logging in with AUSKey, you will need to make some changes. AUSKey is being replaced by MyGovID at the end of March 2020. How exactly is MyGovID replacing AUSkey?   MyGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), provide a quick, easy and secure way for you to prove who you are when you access selected government…  Read more

Continued focus on the cash economy


ATO Assistant Commissioner Peter Holt has announced that, in the 2019/20 financial year, the ATO will be visiting a further 10,000 small businesses across the country, including up to 500 small businesses in Tasmania. He further said that businesses that advertise as ‘cash only’ and businesses that are operating outside of the ATO’s performance benchmarks for their industry will be especially targeted for a visit from the ATO. “Businesses that…  Read more