The importance of documenting processes and systems


Many entrepreneurs operate with their business processes and systems in their heads. They know what they need to do each day and the way they want to get things done. Unfortunately when a business grows and staff need to be hired – or the owner needs to take time away from the business – it’s a real liability not having processes and systems documented in one place. Read on to…  Read more

Save time with appointment booking apps


Like other time saving apps, tools designed to automate your booking calendar are a huge boon to busy small business owners. Put an end to time-wasting telephone tag and those endless back and forth emails with any of these 4 popular scheduling apps. Calendly Calendly is a popular app for consultants, coaches, solopreneurs, freelancers and other professionals who regularly book client meetings. With a clean intuitive interface, invitees can choose…  Read more

Social Media Etiquette: 12 Quick Tips for Professionals


With social media, you can connect with business associates quickly and creatively. But this communication mode is not without risk. A thoughtless post can offend customers and other business partners and damage relationships rather than build them. By following a few ground rules you can be confident your comments and posts will be appropriate ones.   Abstain From Posting or Tweeting Certain Information If you aren’t sure it’s acceptable to…  Read more

Client of the month – March (Mums4Hire)


We were so excited when Nitha, one of our favourite clients and the one with a successful recruitment business, decided to setup another business purely focusing on amazing mums returning to workforce. This is what she has to say about her WHY: “Our goal is to give mums a helping hand back into the workplace through flexible work arrangements with employers who support mums. Our employers understand how challenging it…  Read more